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One Room Challenge Spring 2022 | Week 1

I’m so excited to be a guest participant in the Spring 2022 One Room Challenge. The challenge is to pick one area in your home that needs a makeover or refresh, then complete it in 8 weeks. Week one starts now!

DIY Entry Makeover

The entryway of our home is what I chose for the challenge. As you’ll see from the pictures in this post, it’s in need of some major personality infused into it! 

My Goals For The Entryway: 


Goal 1: Be Rental Friendly 


As we are renting this home, the makeover needs to be rental friendly, something that can be reversed when we decide to move. You can bet on me using some Cricut removable vinyl in one way or another!

Recently I spent some time trying to brainstorm projects that could be done in the entry using my Cricut machine, these were some ideas I had:

  • Artwork
  • Wallpaper or wall decals
  • Pendant light
  • Painted doormat
  • Garland or Wreath 
  • Light switch plate 

Planning a diy entry makeover

Goal 2: Be Budget-Friendly


Keeping this makeover budget-friendly is important to me. As we don’t spend a lot of time here (it’s not a hangout spot), I would rather spend more money elsewhere. However, because it is the first place that welcomes us daily (as well as we pass through it countless times a day) and guests occasionally, it makes sense to put some money into it! 

I will be trying to use materials that I already have and maybe repurposing things from other parts of our home. Shopping your own home is such a great decorating tip! Something that maybe doesn’t work so well in another spot might be perfect in another area! 

To help stay on budget, I’ll be hunting through Facebook Marketplace and thrift stores for a few things I have in mind to purchase for the space.

One room challenge Entry Way

Goal 3: Make it Welcoming


I want our entry to be welcoming and reflect what’s important to me and my family. Right now it really does neither, at least not with and on purpose. These things don’t happen by accident.


Goal 4: Add Storage


As you can see above, there is virtually no storage in this space, it really isn’t “working” for us! It would be great to have a solution for shoes and a place to stash our keys. Maybe even something for hats and mitts. 

We do keep our coats in a closet down the stairs, as well as extra shoes. This system will stay in place for now. 

That’s it for my thoughts right now! Next week I think I will share a mood board and perhaps photos of our living room that connects to the entry. Seeing our living room may help you get a feeling of what the entry should be consistent with or complement.  

Spring 2022 One Room Challenge

The Weekly Breakdown

Here is a breakdown of what I am planning to tackle each week of the One Room Challenge (I’ll keep this flexible):

Week 1: Brainstorm

Week 2: Mood board 

Week 3: Add storage

Week 4: Walls

Week 5: Floor

Week 6: Lighting

Week 7: Accessories

Week 8: Final reveal! 


I’m excited to share the progress, along with DIYs you can make yourself. Now to get to work!



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